Do we need a lifeguard?
One question we get asked on a regular basis when it comes to swimming pool safety and for customers looking to build a new swimming pool or renovate an existing one; do we need a lifeguard?
A lifeguard under PWTAG (Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group) is referred to as an on-site qualified technical operator.
It is important to understand that PWTAG state that all pools should have an appropriate level of technical operation and supervision.
We'll cover the key points of needing a lifeguard for your swimming pool in a commercial setting, during hours of operation.
- Public pool with more than 120m2 of water
area approx. typical pool dimensions: Length 15m x Width 8m - Any pool with more than 120m3 of water
approx. typical dimensions: Length 10m x Width 8m x Depth 1.5m - Pool with a throughput of an average of more than 200 bathers daily
- Hydrotherapy pool not in a hospital (swimming pool and spas have different quality standards in healthcare settings)
- Pool used to provide swimming lessons and swimming training
- Permanent school pool
- Facilities used by the general public and children that include interactive water features
PWTAG code of practice also states that all other pools or treated water facilities should have an on site qualified, trained competent technical operator.
Or a contract with a qualified, trained, competent technical operator for a minimum of weekly visits and assistance whenever needed.
If you don't have an on-site qualified, trained competent technical operator, the Chemsol Group can help ensure your leisure facility is PWTAG compliant. We provide these services for a number of our commercial clients.
Our services include:
- Ensuring your leisure facility with a swimming pool for public use is compliant under HSG179 and PWTAG CoP.
- Written documentation of our visits which are available at the facility.
- Assistance whenever needed.
Our written reports include:
- the circulation, filtration and disinfection systems are checked and working
- the pool and its infrastructure are in good condition
- water chemistry and bacteriology are tested and their resulting values were recorded on the
- report and were found to be in compliance with this code
- any corrective actions were taken by the operator
For more information on our services or if you have any questions please contact us.
You can find the full PWTAG CoP Model Syllabus from www.pwtag.org.