
Do I Need To Winterise My Pool?

Posted by Nick Lewis on 13.09.2022

As the weather gets colder, it's important to take steps to winterise your swimming pool. This will help to prevent damage from freezing temperatures and ensure that it's ready to use when the weather warms up again.

Swimming pools require special care and attention in the winter in order to prevent damage from freezing temperatures. There are a few key steps you need to take in order to winterise your swimming pool

1. Clean the pool thoroughly and remove all debris. This will keep the pool clean and free of any build-up that could cause problems later on.

2. Adjust the water level so that it is below the skimmer basket. This will help prevent any water from freezing inside the skimmer basket and damaging it.

3. Add high strength long life algaecide to the pool water in order to control and prevent the growth of algae in swimming pool water for up to 6 months. It is ideal for spring open up and both summer and winter maintenance.

Swimming Pool Rescue

At the Chemsol Group we can help to wintersie your swimming pool to ensure it's safe from damages during the colder winter months.

Request a Quote or call us to book in your swimming pool winterisation.

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