
The most common pool problems and solutions explained

Posted by Nick Lewis on 11.02.2024

Are unsolvable pool problems are preventing you from making the most of your private pool or forcing you to close the doors to your commercial swimming pool?

To help you get back into the water, the Chemsol team explore some of the most common swimming pool issues and solutions below.

Top five swimming pool problems and solutions

From unappealing green water to unwanted skin irritation after taking a dip, we explain the causes and solutions to some of the most common swimming pool problems in the UK.

Green water

Having pool problems with green water? Green, slimy, and murky swimming pool water is often a result of algae growth. These blooms are often encouraged by warmer weather, poor circulation, and low chlorine levels.

As a result, you should check that the levels of chlorine are high enough in your pool and that your pool pump is effectively circulating water.

Clogged filter

Pool filters can become easily clogged with all kinds of debris including leaves, grass, dirt, and algae. Plus, using too much diatomaceous earth for a DE filter or using the wrong grade of sand for a sand filter can also lead to clogging.

Once you’ve turned off the filter and unplugged the pump, simply check the pump basket for any debris and remove anything that doesn’t belong there. After clearing the filter, make sure you check that you’re using the right type and amount of filter material to prevent future clogs.


Have you noticed white scaling (solidified calcium carbonate) climbing the sides of your pool? An imbalance of chemicals is often the culprit of swimming pool scaling. Fortunately, this pool issue can be easily rectified by addressing the pH balance and alkalinity of the water.

After treating the white stains with a pumice stone and a mild acidic cleaning solution like vinegar, you can stop the scaling from returning by adding either sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate to increase the pH and acidity of the pool water.

Skin irritation

Essential to the maintenance of almost every pool, chlorine is used to disinfect the water, but it can also cause skin dryness, irritation, and inflammation for some users by removing the skin’s natural oils.

To help reduce the likelihood of skin irritation, you should only add the minimum amount of necessary chlorine to the pool water.

Cloudy water

For individuals having pool problems with cloudy water, there are unfortunately many potential causes of this unappealing issue. This can include everything from high calcium or chlorine levels to clogged pool filters, an unbalanced pH level, or debris.

We recommend testing the levels of calcium and chlorine first, and if the problem isn’t being caused by an improper pH level, checking the filter for clogs and debris. If you still can’t find the cause of cloudy water, it’s often worth contacting a professional pool maintenance company to take a closer look.

Solve your swimming pool problems with Chemsol

Inundated with pool issues?

At Chemsol, our expert team are highly experienced in pool plant room design, installation, and maintenance, allowing us to provide comprehensive pool and spa services for both private and commercial customers across the UK.

To discuss your pool problems in more detail, give us a call on 01492 582 888, send your enquiry via email to, or fill in our online contact form!

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